I think change is usually a good thing but sometimes it can be bad. The world has changed in many ways and overall it is all good. Change isn’t always for the better though. Sometimes friends might change in a bad way and sometimes people change so much that you don’t even recognize who they are. Also we change as people and usually we become better when we change. I used to be a baby but now I’m not and I am happy that I am not a baby. I am happy I have changed and became older. Overall I think change is a good thing.
The rise of agriculture was a huge and effective change in the world. It really helped us live better and easier. As Jared Diamond says “The origin of agriculture triggered a long train of economic, political, and technological developments, which began there and spread outward.” He means that since agriculture was spreading and becoming better the way that the people lived became better. The rise of agriculture was in Southwest Asia’s Fertile Crescent. Because if this rise people were able to settle in one place and not have to move around to catch their food. This gave them time to grow food, get more technology, and build a civilization. Once they build a civilization they can get organized labor, organized business, organized law, and also organized religion. This was a huge step to a greater world. This is a great example of good change. Without this change we would still not have a civilization and we would be moving around following our food. This would make us very stupid people because we would not be able to go to a school or have a home and it would be hard to keep track of your family.
People change a lot in their life time also. Usually this could be a good thing but sometimes it could be a bad thing. People change in many ways. Their physical features change. They start to look older and more mature. Also the way they act can change. People mature which is usually a good thing. They start o act different. But sometimes this can be a bad thing and make them lose all their friends. But most of the time it is a good thing and it may cause you to get more friends or just completely change your friends. We also change what we like and what we are into. This could make us become better people. For example I had a friend who I didn’t see for a very long time. The one day I saw them and I couldn’t even recognize him. I had no idea who it was because they looked different and sounded completely different. But after a while I was able to understand who it was.
Places can also change over time. Everybody knows about the store Wawa and everybody loves it. That place has also really changed over time and in a very good way. It opened in 1964 and it looked like a very old place and didn’t have as many products. It didn’t sell coffee and sandwiches till the mid 1970s. I couldn’t even imagine a Wawa without its coffee and sandwiches. They are so good. Then in 1982 they remodeled their check out and after that when people bought their food it became a lot faster. Then in 1994 they built a much larger Wawa which also had a bigger parking lot so more cars could park. This really helped benefit the store because they could hold more products and more people could come which would get them more money. In 1996 they started putting Wawa’s with gas stations which brought a lot more customers to them. In 1999 they added touch screens for when you order your sandwiches or something else and this helped speed up the ordering process. All of these were huge changes in the progress of Wawa. This is a big reason why change is really good. Could you imagine going to a Wawa that was small, had no gas, no sandwiches and coffee, and where it took a really long time to order. You would not want to go there anymore.
Also when kid’s ages change the school they go to also change. When I was a little girl I went to preschool and kindergarten. Then I became six years old I started to go to elementary school. I thought that was a bad change because I liked kindergarten better than elementary school. But it didn’t end there. After that my age changed again and I went to middle school. I thought this was a good change because I liked middle school a lot better since I got more freedom and was able to do more things with my friends. Then I changed to a fourteen year old and went to high school. This has probably been the greatest change in my life because I enjoy high school better than any other year in my life. If we didn’t change I would still be stuck in preschool.
All of these reasons prove why change is a very good thing. Some people might thing change is a bad thing but hopefully after reading all these examples they will realize that change is actually a very good thing and something that everyone has to go through in their lives. The rise of agriculture was a very good thing because now we have civilized areas and don’t have to follow our food and this way we have technology and a lot of other benefits. Also people change and that is usually a good thing. Stores and other places like Wawa have changed a lot over the years and that is good because if they never changed and still looked old and had not much technology then people would not want to go there. And also kids changing their age and going to different kinds of school is a good change because you don’t want to be stuck in the same school your whole life. Change is definitely a good thing.
Diamond, Jared. "Location, Location, Location:The First Farmers." UNL. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. http://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/orig_agri_tur.html
"Milestones." Wawa. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. http://www.wawa.com/wawaweb/timeline.aspx
Picture from:
"Mennonite farm." Commons.wikimedia. June 2007. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mennonite_Farm.jpg