I think Leonardo da Vinci does deserve the title "genius". He invented many interesting things and he was able to decode a lot. Just the fact of him being able to write all his journals in code is enough to call him a genius. Leonardo da Vinci saw a lot of the greatest gifts. Giorgio Vasari said, "The greatest gifts are often seen, in the course of nature, rained by celestial influences on human creatures; and sometimes, in supernatural fashion, beauty, grace, and talent are united beyond measure in one single person, in a manner that to whatever such an one turns his attention, his every action is so divine, that, surpassing all other men, it makes itself clearly known as a thing bestowed by God (as it is), and not acquired by human art. This was seen by all mankind in Leonardo da Vinci.” (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/vasari1.html) Leonardo discovered and invented many things that can describe him as a genius. He was able to paint in such great perspective that the painting almost seemed real. One of his greatest paintings, and a great example of perspective, is the Mona Lisa. He had so much great perspective that the painting doesn’t even look like a painting. It looks just like a real person, like a photograph of someone almost. He was able to paint like this because he had a mathematical system for determining size in space. He also used many other elements, something that most painters aren’t capable of. These typees of things really make it so that Leonardo deserves the title of genius.
Works Cited
"Medieval Sourcebook: Giorgio Vasari: Life of Leonardo Da Vinci 1550." FORDHAM.EDU. Web. 13 May 2010. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/vasari1.html
PBS. Web. 14 May 2010. http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/mona_nav/mnav_level_1/3technique_monafrm.html
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