Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Western Civ notes

January 27
  1. Nomads were stone age people.
  2. They were People planting crops, staying in one location, domesticate animals
  3. Neolithic period is when artwork started
  4. Once people settle down civilization starts and cities
  5. The first city is the city of jerico

  6. Tell- a sight's that has been burned over time, looks like a hill.
  7. As cities grow water becomes the major reason why a city is a city
  8. Once you have people settle in one place you can trade goods and they start to specialize
  9. Then a legal system
  10. Then Organized labor, organized business, organized law, and organized religion
febuary 17
  1. Peloponnese is a peninsula that is where the ancient city of Sparta was.
  2. Between Athens and Sparta is the city of coreg
  3. Turkey used to be called Anatolia in the ancient times.
  4. King of Troy was Prium and his son was Paris
  5. Paris went to meet with some greek kings
  6. They didn’t want Discartia at the wedding because she always causes problems.
  7. She sent an apple to the fairest godess at the wedding and the godesses were fighting over the apple.
  8. Paris had to choose the fairest goddess.
  9. He picked Afroditie because she said she would give him whatever women he wanted as a wife.
  10. He said he wanted Helena the most beautiful women in the entire world but she was already married to menolyes and king and brother of Agamemnon.
  11. Paris abducts Helena and they run of back to Troy
  12. Agamemnon and menolyes make a big fleet and they attack troy and the war lasts for 10 years.
  13. They made a giant horse and they left and they hid around the islands.
  14. Greek commandoes hiding inside the horse and opened the gates and slaughtered the people of Troy and burnt it down.
february 22
  1. Herodotus- ancient Greek historian
  2. Persian empire was largest empire in the world in 6th century BC
  3. The Persians decided to invade Greece
  4. The route that they used goes through the north to a water way referred to as the Bospherous then enter northern Greece known as Thrice
  5. Invasion led by Xerxes
  6. The Greeks found out the Persians plan and they need to meet the Persians on the battle field
  7. They will meet at the pass called Thermopylae
  8. Greeks were vastly outnumbered
  9. They were led by the Spartans
  10. The Spartans lived on the Peloponnese
  11. Sparta led by code of military honor
  12. Lisergas was the first of the Spartan leaders to create a system of laws
  13. They fought in Phalanx formation
  14. Phalanx formation is a square that is going to move in formation
  15. The battle lasted 3 days
  16. When the Persians get to Athens it is empty
  17. Greeks win the battle of Salamis
  18. 480-the Persian war ends and the Greeks are the winner
  19. theatre started in honor of the Gods
  20. Acropolis had a number of temples
february 23

    The Peloponnesian war

    Sparta invades Athens

  1. Athens is trying to fight Sparta on land, at sea, and trying to continue with their trade routes.
  2. Athens had a strong navy and were able to maintain the trade routes
  3. Athens built two walls that go all the way down to the harbor. About 6 miles
  4. Sparta closed one of the walls so Athens couldn't get their food
  5. The plague hits.
  6. Athenians were trapped in the plague
  7. The Spartans go home but the Athenian suffered great losses.
  8. Alcibiades- Athenian who came up with a plan attack system
  9. Before ships set sail there was a huge act of vandalism and Alcibiades was framed
  10. He became so angry that he decided to give up the Athenian strategy
  11. Socratic method was always asking questions to learn

    Plato wrote down the teachings of Socrates.

    Aristotle always agreed with Plato.

March 1
  1. Aeneas- from troy was the son of a prince
  2. In ancient times most of southern Italy was inhabited by Greeks
  3. Aeneas's son Iulus becomes king and he sets up the capital at a place called Alba Longa
  4. Alba Long was the center of Trojan civilization in Italy
  5. Romulus and Remiss declared war on each other and Romulus wins and Remiss is dead
  6. Rome gets it name from Romulus
  7. The Patricians weren't as many as the Plebeians but they had more power
  8. The struggle of the orders- political struggle that happens between the patricians and the plebeians
  9. The patricians gave the plebs one representative who could only veto
  10. Rome will be the first city in the world to have a million people
  11. Pyrrhus of Epirus decided he was going to take on the Romans and he wins almost every battle but he does it at such a cost that he cannot continue to battle
  12. Pyrrhic victory- is when you win but lose so much that you cant battle
  13. Punic war- a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC and they define Roman dominance in the Mediterranean
  14. Important events in rome
  15. Aeneas/ trojans defeat Latium
  16. Alba Longa
  17. Romulus and Remus/ founding on Rome in 753 BCE
  18. Expulsion of the Etruscan Kings/ Establishment of the Roan Republic 6th century
  19. Etrunia
  20. Tarquin the proud
  21. Tarquin the sixth
  22. Lucretia
  23. Lucius Jurius Brutus led them
  24. The Roman republic was founded in 509 BC
  25. Struggle of the orders/ tribune of the Plebs
  26. Roman expansion/ Pyrrus
  27. 1st Punic war

    March 2

    1. Punic wars
    2. First Punic war was a war over the trade routes
    3. Hannibal would be the greatest threat Rome has ever seen
    4. 2nd Punic war starts with an invasion
    5. Hannibal starts his invasion by crossing through Spain and going to new Carthage
    6. Hannibal brought with him his troop of war elephants.
    7. Hannibal's plan was to circle the Romans and they won the battle
    8. Hannibal was brought up to hate the Romans
    9. Scipio Africanus was the general who defeated Hannibal at the last battle of the Punic war. The battle of Zoma
    10. Cato the Elder was a Roman statesman
    MArch 3
    1. Herodotus- wrote the history of the Persian war. He is known as the father of history.
    2. Thucydides - he was a more accurate historian and he really attempts to get the story right
    3. Livy- roman historian. Writes the history of Rome from the beginning all the way up to his time.
    4. On the battle field they would scare the elephants
    5. Third Punic war Scipio Alemenamos went to carthage and he circled the city and they killed everyone there.

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