In the middle ages there were four different groups. There were the knights, the merchants, the nuns, and the peasants. Since they were all raised differently and had different roles in life they probably thought differently about things. So each group might think differently about the same exact thing. Even today people in everyday life will think differently about the same thing. That is why people argue and it is also what makes people different. These four groups all had different opinions on things because of the way that they lived their life.
One group in Middle Ages were the knights. Knights are” a man, usually of noble birth, who after an apprenticeship as page and squire was raised to honorable military rank and bound to chivalrous conduct.” ( They lived in cast
les because they were always in a constant threat of war. The knights were more of wealthy people since they had to protect the king. Since they were wealthy they thought differently about things that people that were not as wealthy would think. The knights had servants cook for them and work for them. They probably did not think of anything being wrong with it and they probably thought the servants did not care. The servants probably thought they were not being treated right and that it wasn’t fair to them. Also the knights might think of going in to war is not as dangerous as the people who were not knights thought. The reasons for these people thinking different things is just because they were raised differently and their daily life is completely different from each others. (
Another group of the middle ages are the peasants. Peasants are “a member of a class of persons, as in Europe
, Asia, and Latin America, who are small farmers or farm laborers of low social rank.” (
Another group of the middle ages are the peasants. Peasants are “a member of a class of persons, as in Europe

The peasants usually lived on a manor. They worked for the lords and had to do pretty much anything the lords told them to. But the way that the peasants thought about this kind of treatment was not too bad. They respected the lords and since this was their daily life they were used to it. Also the lord didn’t think much of making the peasants do work for him. He didn’t see anything wrong with it. If the lords and the peasants were to switch places there would probably be a lot of problems. Since both of these groups thought a lot differently they would probably have a hard time being in each other’s shoes. The lords would not want to do everything the peasants tells them to do and the peasants w
ould probably not order the lords to do everything just because it is not in their nature. (
Another middle age group are the merchants. Merchants are “a person who buys and sells commodities for profit; dealer; trader.” ( The merchants lived in towns and they had to pay taxes to the lords. That is about all they had to give to the lords. Their lives were probably pretty normal and the closest to our lives today. They would own their shops and make things to sell to other people. They probably thought in a more creative way than other groups. They were able to think up of much better inventions than a peasant or a lord might think of. (
Nuns were also a middle age group. Nuns are “a woman member of a religious order, esp. one bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.” (http:/
/ Nuns would devote themselves to a holy life. They lived in nunneries and promised to live a single life. They worshiped God a lot and prayed to him a lot. They would also go to a lot of church services. They thought of God in a much different way than the other groups did. They out him above all else and worshiped him all the time. Their whole life was just around God. The other groups had other things to do and also worshiped other things. (
All the groups thought differently about things because of the way they were raised and the kind of life they lived. The same thing happens today in America. Different religious groups think differently about God. There are also arguments today about people thinking differently about something. It is just a fact of life that we all think differently. That is what makes up part of our personality.

Another middle age group are the merchants. Merchants are “a person who buys and sells commodities for profit; dealer; trader.” ( The merchants lived in towns and they had to pay taxes to the lords. That is about all they had to give to the lords. Their lives were probably pretty normal and the closest to our lives today. They would own their shops and make things to sell to other people. They probably thought in a more creative way than other groups. They were able to think up of much better inventions than a peasant or a lord might think of. (
Nuns were also a middle age group. Nuns are “a woman member of a religious order, esp. one bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.” (http:/

All the groups thought differently about things because of the way they were raised and the kind of life they lived. The same thing happens today in America. Different religious groups think differently about God. There are also arguments today about people thinking differently about something. It is just a fact of life that we all think differently. That is what makes up part of our personality.
Works Cited | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 01 May 2010.
"The Knight's Realm." Web. 01 May 2010.
"The Merchant's Realm." Web. 01 May 2010.
"The Nun's Realm." Web. 01 May 2010.
"The Peasant's Realm." Web. 01 May 2010.
Although there is a lot of good information here, you fail to include the primary sources which would bring the voices of the people who lived in this era into your argument. Primary sources make your argument stronger and despite the fact that this essay is well written, your argument suffers.