Herodotus was a Greek historian who was known as the Father of History. He was born in 484BC and died in 425BC. He wrote history about the Persian War. He would question people about the wars and he would go to places to learn about the wars. He is best known for his work called Histories.
Thucydides was a Greek historian and he wrote History of the Peloponnesian War. He was a more accurate historian then Herodotus and he would really attempt to get the history right. In 424BC he was elected as one of the Athenian generals. Then he was exiled from Athens. He would talk to participants of the war and get information from them. He would write only what he thought was the truth so that his work would be more accurate.
Livy was a Roman historian who wrote about Rome and the roman people. He was born about 59BC in Patavium. He wrote about Roman history from the beginning with Romulus and Remis up to his time. He wrote 142 books. He wasn't a part of of politics. He also wrote in a Latin prose style.
"Herodotus." Mnsu. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/egypt/history/people/herodotus.html
"Livy." Livius. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. http://www.livius.org/li-ln/livy/livy.htm
"Thucydides." Wsu. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. http://wsu.edu/~dee/GREECE/THUCY.HTM
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