The Struggle of Orders was a political struggle between the Plebeians and the Patricians. The Plebeians wanted political equality with the Patricians because only the Patricians could run for office. There were a lot less Patricians but they were much more wealthy and had more power than the Plebeians. The Struggle of Orders ended when the Patricians let one of the Plebeians come into office but they were not aloud to make any laws. But they were the only one who could veto a law which gave them good power over what happened politically. This changed later Roman politics because they learned that they can not just have one group of people run in office or else that could cause a lot of conflict with the other people in Rome. They learned they had to be equal to all people no matter if they were less wealthy or not. They had to have a good democracy where every had an influence on what happened in the government.
"The Struggle of Orders." Urnv. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. http://www.unrv.com/empire/struggle-of-the-orders.php
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