Monday, March 29, 2010

Pericle's Funeral Oration and the Gettysburg Address

  1. First paragraph
    1. Gettysburg Address
      1. The continent was created where all men are equal but yet they are fighting civil war because of it not being equal. "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. "
      2. Many people died at this war
    1. Pericle's Funeral Oration
      1. Athens and Sparta went into war.
      2. Athens was doing very well and Pericles says how well they are doing. "While I doubt if the world can produce a man who, where he has only himself to depend upon, is equal to so many emergencies, and graced by so happy a versatility, as the Athenian. "
    1. Thesis
      1. Abraham Lincoln did a better funeral oration because he knew how to talk to the people better and was able to bring them back to how the nation was supposed to be equal but they are still fighting in civil war.
  2. Appeal to patriotism.
    1. Lincoln
      1. He talks about how great and brave the men are for fighting in this war. "The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. "
      2. He says that this nation under God should have a new birth of freedom and that the government shall not perish from the Earth.
    1. Pericles
      1. Athens was doing very well and Pericles says how well they are doing. "While I doubt if the world can produce a man who, where he has only himself to depend upon, is equal to so many emergencies, and graced by so happy a versatility, as the Athenian. "
      2. In omst of his funeral oration he keeps talking about how great Athens was and how they did very well with their power.

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