A lot of things in life can be important. Some more important than others. Also to different people, different things can be important. One person might think global warming is important and that they should do something about it and another person might not care about global warming and might think it is not important at all. There have been a lot of important moments in history like some of the new technology people made in history. There are a lot of things important in our lives. I think when something is important it has great value and can mean a lot to people. It also can have a big effect on something. The definition of important is “Strongly affecting the course of events or the nature of things; significant; having or suggesting a consciousness of high position or authority; authoritative.” (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/important).
The old Egyptians had a lot of things that they made that were important to them. To them mummifying pharaohs was very important. They made a huge deal about it because they thought their spirit would live on in some afterlife and they would be a god of something. This was very important to them and they would make sure this happened by mummifying them. They would take out all their organs and they would make sure they were perfectly preserved so they wouldn’t disintegrate while they were dead. They would then wrap them. After all that they would build a big pyramid or tomb for them so they wouldn’t get hurt. These pyramids were huge and they would take many days and many people to make them. For the pyramids of Giza it took 80 days and about 20,000 or 30,000 people. (http://www.nationalgeographic.com/pyramids/pyramids.html) To the Egyptians this process was very important. If it wasn’t important why would they put so much time and effort into it? For most people now we would find this insane because most of us don’t believe in the pharaoh going to afterlife and becoming a god. We don’t find that important and we don’t put the time and money into it.
Megaliths were also an important part in the Neolithic times. Megaliths are large stone structures or groups of standing stones which are located at sites in various parts of the world and believed to have religious significance. (http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/m/megaliths.html) They usually were where they buried the dead. They had many religious rituals here and other things. This was a huge step in their technology and this is a very important aspect of history. To the people these days megaliths are important because it helps them find more about what has happened in the past. It gives them lots of clues of what the people were like and how they lived. All of the historical sites there are in the world are important to people who study history. History itself is also very important. It is important because we need to know about our past to also be able to thrive in the future. It also gives us examples from the past so that we can avoid some bad things in the future. Some people might think why do we need to know about our past if it already has happened. Well history helps us in many ways. Without history we wouldn’t be educated as well and we would make a lot more mistakes in the future. For example is a person touched a stove and burnt their hand when they were eight they would know when they were twenty seven that they should not touch the stove because they remember what happened in the past and it hurt.
War can be a very important part of life. For example the civil war was very important. The civil war started in the 1860s. Before the civil war there were slaves in America. A lot of people thought this was wrong. I think having slaves is cruel especially the way the people treated them. It is mean especially since they are doing it against their will. The northern part of America didn’t want the slaves and the southern part did. When Abraham Lincoln became president he also didn’t want slaves. After this the civil war happened. After this war there were no slaves. Even though a lot of people died and got hurt in the war it was still very important because it stopped slavery. If the war didn’t happen there would still have slavery and that would be very cruel. Other war is also important. It helps our country be safe. War begins with a conflict and the reason for war is to try and stop that conflict. I think it is extremely important because it tries to bring us to peace and help us live in this country and be safer.
There are many important things in this world. If nothing was important than there would be no point of even living. Even human life is very important. Without humans there would be no civilization and it would just be a world with land and animals. Also people can be important like the most important person in America is the president and the most important person in a school is the principle. I think these people are important because they keep things in order and we always need someone in control or else everything would fall apart.
There are many things to prove importance. Like the pyramids in Egypt show what importance can make people do and how things that are important can help us live in our lives and have a better future. Also parts that might be dangerous and scary like war can be important because they can end up making us safe and bring us closer to other countries. Also people of different positions can be important because without them the world would be chaos and nothing would be in order. All these things have a lot of significance and they strongly affect the course of events or nature.
Fortuna, Matthew. "About The Importance of War." EHow. Web. 4 Feb. 2010. http://www.ehow.com/about_4565874_importance-civil-war.html
"Important." The Free Dictionary. Web. 4 Feb. 2010. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/important
"Introduction to Pyramids." National geographic. Web. 4 Feb. 2010. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/pyramids/pyramids.html
"Megaliths." They Mystica. Web. 4 Feb. 2010. http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/m/megaliths.html
picture from "Civil War Reenactors." Wikimedia. Web. 5 Feb. 2010. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Civil_War_Reenactors.JPG