I think history is created both by people and by individuals. I think history comes most from individuals because somebody has to think of the idea to make something big in history. Some history just comes from an individual just like the people who invented thing like Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin. A lot of the time when you hear about major things in history it happens from a big group of people. But most of the time this big group of people has a leader or someone in control. The individual was the one that had to come with the idea of what they are doing so that individual is the one that caused that major thing in history. An example of that could be Hitler and the holocaust. Also there can be individuals like Abraham Lincoln that do something that really impacts their country for the future and they lead something huge. I think individuals create most of the history.
One great individual in history is Thomas Edison. He invented the light bulb and this was a major part of history showing that an individual makes history. Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847. His great invention was the electrical light bulb. He also set up the first electrical power distribution company. He also helped other people like Henry Ford for giving them ideas with their inventions. He was an individual that made up a huge part of the worlds history. Without him we would be living in a dark world and dark houses. (http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96feb/edison.html)
Another individual that made great history was Ben Franklin. Everyone has heard of Ben Franklin which proves that he has made a lot of history by himself as an individual. Ben Franklin was the man who invented the lighting rod. He was the one that had the famous kite story where he went out during a thunder storm with a kite. He flew a kite and lighting hit it and this helped him learn a lot of things about electricity. Ben Franklin is also on the one hundred dollar bill which is a great honor to him because of all the history he has made. On all the money in the United States of America there is an individual who made great history. You will not find a group of people on the bill because individuals mostly make up history. (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6881/benjamin_franklins_kite.html?cat=37)
A lot of people have heard about the holocaust. The holocaust is “The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II”( http://www.answers.com/topic/holocaust). When people think of the holocaust they think of a group of Nazis killing all the Jews. So when people hear holocaust they will think that that is people making history. But if you think more about the holocaust then you will realize it is actually history made by an individual. That individual is Adolf Hitler. He was the man that had the idea of killing the Jews and he was the man who organized all the Nazis what to do. Without the individual, Hitler, there would be no Nazis killing Jews and there would be no holocaust. Of course the group of people (Nazis) were a huge part of the holocaust and without the Nazis there would be no holocaust. But the most important person in this history is Hitler. They killed the Jews and other innocent people in horrible and gruesome ways. First they would torture the people by making the work in these horrible camps. They would also starve the people. Then they would kill them in a variety of different ways. One terrible way was the gas tank where they would trick people to go in them and they would suffocate them with some deadly, poisonous gas. A lot of people tried to run from this horrible thing but most of them got caught and then got killed. I don’t understand how Hitler could want this terrible thing to happen but obviously he had no guilt till later when he killed himself. He was the individual that caused the Holocaust even though he had other peoples help.(http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005143)
One important individual that made a lot of history is Abraham Lincoln. He was the sixteenth president of the United States of America and he had a huge impact on the country. While he was president there were a lot of slaves in America. Most of the people in the north didn’t like it but the people in the south had a lot of slaves. Abraham Lincoln was against this slavery and he wanted to stop. He was a lso a very big part of the Civil War and because of him slavery was stopped. Abraham Lincoln is on the penny and the five dollar bill which shows he was a very important man and made a lot of history. Without him we could of still have been slaves and that would have been terrible and extremely not fair to those innocent people. ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/AbrahamLincoln/)
I think that individuals are the ones that create history. They are the ones that either do something very historical by themselves or they lead a group and do something historical with them. If you think that people make history those people have to have a leader or someone had to come up with the idea. Thomas Edison was an individual that made a lot of history with the invention of the light bulb. Ben Franklin created a lot of history with the invention of the lightning rod. The holocaust was a big group of people making history but the individual, Hitler, was the one with the idea and who lead the holocaust. Abraham Lincoln also made a lot of history and impacted America today a lot because of freeing the slaves and the civil war. These are all great examples of individuals making history. So next time if you think that it was people who create history first think of whom that individual was who started it or who led the people.
"Abraham Lincoln." White House. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/AbrahamLincoln/
"Abraham Lincoln." Wikimedia. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abraham_Lincoln_1858.png
"Holocaust." Answers. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.answers.com/topic/holocaust
"The Holocaust." Ushmm. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005143
"A Story of Lightning and History." Associated Content. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/6881/benjamin_franklins_kite.html?cat=37
"Thomas Edison." Lucidcafe. Web. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96feb/edison.html
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