Friday, February 19, 2010

Persian War Script

DARIUS- king of the Persians
ANDREAS- his assistant who helps him with the Persian war

Darius: I don't understand why the Athenians have such a big problem with our taxes. I mean do they really think that they can beat us in battle. We have so many more soldiers than them. We will easily be able to beat them.

Andreas: We sure would be able to beat them sir. Let us now go into battle with them.

(after the battle)
Darius: I don't understand how they beat us, it just doesn't make sense to me. We had so much more soldier and bigger ships. We were supposed to easily win.

Andreas: I guess they just figured out some very good tactics and also their ships were a lot smaller and easier to maneuver with. That probably helped them win. I am sure we will beat them next time.

(after the next battle)
Darius: How in the world do they keep winning. I really don't understand this.

Andreas: Well, let's try one more time.

Darius: okay

(after third battle)
Darius: That is it. I am done we can't beat them. They somehow burnt our ships and killed our soldiers. I give up.

Andreas: That is okay they were a very good army.

"Greek Soldiers of Greco-Persian Wars." Wikimedia. Web. 19 Feb. 2010.
"The Persian Wars." Wsu. Web. 19 Feb. 2010.

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